You come first: Why Independent advisors are the smart choice
The first job at a large brokerage and investment management firm is to earn more profits. A board of directors, the management, and its shareholders, all shape how the business is run. And they can limit the ability of a financial advisor to offer you advice that’s free and clear of conflicts.
And too often, your goals, your needs, and your interests come second. After profits.
How we’re different
Small, fee-only, independent financial planning groups have a different job. We work directly for you. We work for your best interests and needs only. That’s our fiduciary duty. We believe that our financial advice should be focused only on our clients.
Choice, empowerment, relationships
There are other, excellent reasons to choose a small, independent firm. A couple of examples:
A wider choice of financial products
As independent planners, we aren’t linked to any financial product companies. That gives us much more freedom to choose the best possible financial products for you.
We’ll act as your advocate. We provide you with the financial planning guidance you need to create the right plan. So you’re empowered to make the best, most well-informed decisions about your financial future.
Long-term relationships
We’ll sit down and work with you. And, we’ll work to develop long-term relationships with you and your family. Deeper relationships give us a better understanding of your financial goals. Which only helps us do a better job of advising you over time.